Documentary Family Photography is light. It opens up a window to let the light in so that you and others can see.
We used to live in small communities, villages, relaying on the wrinklers to tell stories, to pass on memories. And it might feel like this was happening thousand of years ago but less the 100 years has passed since then.
The need to have our stories preserved it’s still there, embedded in our DNA, we just don’t acknowledge it as such.
We no longer meet in the evenings to tell the stories of our ancestors because most families live by themselves and in the evening they gather around the TV in search of a good story.
But still we feel the need to record our life on camera, we feel the need to save some parts of us so that our kids can remember us.
And this is why I think Documentary Photography is light. The documentary photographer opens up this window on people’s life that allows them to see themselves, to save a part of their memories for the generation to come. So that they don’t forget what’s important in life.
The moment you let the light of photography shine on feeling, on emotion, on routine you make your everyday life special, worth remembering.
Documentary Family Photographers won’t save the world, but they help preserve the past so that none of us can forget it.
On Sunday evening, Vanity Fair Italia magazine published an article on family documentary photography and thanks to the award received in the This is Reportage Family competition, my winning photo is the cover of the article.
Inside there are photos of 39 other artists, family documentary photographers.
The fact of being selected amongst all these international artists makes me very proud and receiving these award during this crazy year, shines a light on a type of photography unknown to many italians.
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