Who would not like to say “my life is perfect”. But reality always manages to contradict us. But this is not a bad thing at all. I find that life is much more beautiful because it is imperfect, because it is full of unexpected events.

Real life in documentary photography.

Beautiful unexpected events, because while walking down the street you suddenly meet an old friend and you stop to have a coffee that transforms into an aperitif and then dinner and here you have a newfound friendship.

Predictable “unexpected” events, because you can’t go out for an ice cream with your 2-year-old and think that you won’t have to change at least his or her shirt.

Routine in the bathroom.

Unforeseen things you would gladly do without, like those phone calls that leave you with a void in your stomach and your eyes full of tears trying to recall the last time you’ve seen or even spoke to that special someone.

Play time

We are here not to live a perfect life, but to live! Enjoy every beautiful or less beautiful moment knowing that they are all moments to remember.

Bimba usa il bagno da sola

If you want to make sure you are preserving all these imperfect moments forever, documentary photography is the one for you. It doesn’t matter if your daughter decides to show off with an overflowing diaper and your heels, or if your child likes to spend time on the potty while watching the i-Pad.

Padre, figlio e un gatto giocano insieme

I will show you how incredible your every day is and how worthy it is to be remembered. All this, where the MAGIC happens, AT YOUR HOME.

Ragazzine parlano sotto voce mentre i genitori non guardano

And if the kids want to go running or biking, or if you need to do groceries, or if you’re too tired to prepare dinner … No problem, I’ll accompany you on all these little daily “adventures”.

Madre e figlio fanno la spesa al supermercato

Your family story is a photo waiting to be taken. A photo that your children will appreciate even more when they are older, because it will show them exactly how you and them felt!

Even if we live in the world of social media with their “pressure” to make us look perfect, I believe that the need for a REAL, tangible, priceless family memories has not yet been lost.

genitori e figli dicono la preghiera prima della cena

Your “private” life, the authentic one, is a sacred place for me, a place I will be able to respect, entering as in all sacred places with bare feet and in silence. With a real desire to get to know you, to understand you, to better capture all those little moments that would otherwise would get lost.

Documentary photography rocks!
Lavare i denti ad un bimbo piccolo non è un lavoro facile
Anche le mamme sanno scherzare e giocare
Bimbo chiama il suo gatto