At the end of 2019 I could say that I understood how and why I specialized in Family Documentary Photography.

Just like any other kid, growing up I too have harassed my parents with a thousand “whys” followed by just as many “hows“.

It wasn’t my fault, it’s that I just wanted to understand. And at the same time it wasn’t even my parents fault if, after a while, exhausted, they replied “because that’s the way it is“. Do you also happen to give this answer every now and then, don’t you?

When I started digging deeper into photography, I wanted to understand not only how to get beautiful photographs, but above all WHY I felt the need to photograph the daily life of families.

I felt that there was something special about those small things, those seemingly unimportant moments that made our days so obvious.

I felt that there was something special in all those small gestures of affection that seem to disappear in the blink of an eye.

The problem was how to photograph all these sensations.

How can I tell a story made of daily emotions and feelings through the documentary family photography?

I found the answer to this question by working with Jenna Shouldice as my mentor for a whole year. Thanks to her I’ve learned the secret of how to infuse my photographs with emotions.

I learned that the feelings I saw in the families I photographed were already within me.

I learned that my empathy is the mirror for your emotions.

Look at the photos below and tell me, how do they make you feel?

ritratto di famiglia durante una sessioni di fotografia documentaria di famiglia

The power of a family portrait that shows the feeling of belonging 

 fotografia documentaria di famiglia ti farò un ritratto che cattura la tua personalità

Family Documentary Photography will give you a portrait that capture your personality

La fotografia documentaria di famiglia vedrai che ogni giorno è un dono.

Family Documentary Photography shows the gift of everyday life.

La fotografia documentaria di famiglia ti mostrerà tutto il tuo duro lavoro.

Family Documentary Photography shows the hard work you are doing.

Con la fotografia documentaria di famiglia anche i tuoi figli potranno rivivere la spontaneità della loro infanzia

This family photography will give your children the means to relive the spontaneity of their childhood.

Con la fotografia documentaria di famiglia non perderai mai i dettagli che fanno la differenza

Family photography will make you remember the details that make your life special.

fotografia documentaria di famiglia come ama un
fotografia documentaria di famiglia come ama un figlio
fotografia documentaria di famiglia come si amano i genitori

Documentary family photography is perfect for you because each member of your family has his own way of showing love and affection.

Fotografia documentaria di famiglia

Never forget kids will be your kids no matter how old they get and that the strong bond between you and them will never dissolve.

With me as your documentary family photographer you will have that freeing feeling of being yourself.

Solo con la fotografia documentaria di famiglia avrai la sensazione liberatoria di essere te stesso